
Strengthening the existing major Anti-Corruption Institutions

Commitment: Strengthening the existing major Anti-Corruption Institutions
Commitment Description:

Continuous improvement of existing anti-corruption measures remains an overarching priority of the Georgian Government. The Government aims to further develop the anti-corruption bodies and promote their effectiveness, to minimize all types of corruption, including complex forms of corruption.

Following the recommendations from a Forum member CSOs, the Government of Georgia committed itself to strengthen the existing anti-corruption institutions under the OGP Georgia Action Plan 2018-2019.

The commitment envisages development of the corruption risk assessment methodology, by which the corruption risks should be evaluated in the anti-corruption units. Moreover, the following commitment aims at improving and expanding the Anti-corruption Council's reporting performance, as well as strengthening the Anti-corruption Agency under the State Security Service of Georgia (SSSG) and the Division of the Criminal Prosecution of Corruption Crimes under the Prosecutor's Office of Georgia (POG).

Outcome: In terms of fighting corruption, institutional strengthening of anticorruption divisions in the principal anti-corruption bodies based on their corruption risk assessment has been ensured and accountability of the ACC has been increased
Timeline: Start date - October 2018, End date - December 2019
OGP Thematic Areas: Transparency, Accountability, Engagement
SDG: 16 Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
Reporting Period: 2019, Annual
Lead Agency: Ministry of Justice
In progress done iconPartially implemented

During the reporting period, the Secretariat of the Anticorruption Interagency Coordination Council in cooperation with the Anti-corruption Council and the OGP Georgia’s Forum member CSOs has developed the Corruption Risk Assessment Methodology. Afterwards, the draft methodology was presented to the Working Group under the Anti-corruption Council and OGP Georgia’s Forum members for feedback and recommendations, reflected in the final draft of the methodology. The Corruption Risk Assessment Methodology was approved by the Council through the Council’s written procedure on 30 December 2019.

Commencement of the corruption risk assessment in the anti-corruption units was depended on the elaboration of the assessment methodology. The Latter was approved later than anticipated by the action plan. As a result, an assessment of corruption risks in the Anti-corruption Agency under the SSSG and the Division of the Criminal Prosecution of Corruption Crimes at POG during the reporting period was not carried out. Besides, needs were not identified in order to further strengthen the Anti-corruption Agency and the relevant division at the POG.

As for the activities for enhancing the accountability of the Anti-corruption Council, the Secretariat of the latter has prepared the draft amendment to the Decree of the Government of Georgia #309 on approval of composition and the statute of the Interagency Coordination Council, according to which, the Anti-corruption Council shall report on its activities to both the Government and the Parliament. By the end of the reporting period, the draft amendment to the Decree #309 was submitted to the Government for approval and additional consultations were underway.

The following commitment envisaged routine training of the personnel involved in the investigation and prosecution of the corruption-related crimes, including crimes committed by legal persons, as well as investigation and prosecution of international corruption offences.

During the reporting period, 54 staff members of the State Security Service were involved in the educational activities on the investigation and prosecution of corruption-related crimes; corruption prevention; identification, management, assessment, and elimination of corruption risks.

As for the training of the POG personnel, 6 educational activities were conducted in 2019 (including 3 study visits), where 36 staff members completed different study courses on combating corruption-related crimes. Furthermore, 2 study activities were conducted and 25 staff members were trained on corruption offenses committed by legal persons and investigation and prosecution of international corruption offenses. Thirty-eight interns also underwent study courses on the same topics. Moreover, under the EU project on "Support to the Public Administration Reform in Georgia," a training "Integrity in Public Service" was organized. The participants got acquainted with the best international practices of risk assessment.

Along with the representatives of the General Prosecutor's Office of Georgia, members of the judiciary, Anti-corruption Agency under the State Security Service, Investigation Service of the Ministry of Finance, and the Civil Service Bureau were involved in the above-mentioned educational activities. Joint training plays a significant role in defining common approaches to shared challenges.

According to the Secretariat's assessment, the commitment is partially implemented within the planned timeframe. Delayed approval of the Corruption Risk Assessment Methodology on 30 December 2019, by the ACC, hampered the fulfillment of the milestones defined by the commitment and were reliant on the approval.


6.1. Elaboration of Corruption Risk Assessment Methodology by the ACC Secretariat in cooperation with the Anti-corruption Council and OGP Georgia Forum member CSOs

Partner Organization
Lead Agency
The Corruption Risk Assessment Methodology has been prepared
September 2018
March 2019
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
Ministry of Justice
During the reporting period, the Secretariat of the Anticorruption Interagency Coordination Council in cooperation with the Anti-corruption Council and the OGP Georgia’s Forum member CSOs has developed Corruption Risk Assessment Methodology
done iconFully implemented

6.2. According to the Corruption Risk Assessment Methodology, assessment of corruption risks in anticorruption divisions (informing the Forum on the progress of corruption risk assessment and discussi

Not started
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
The corruption risk assessment has been conducted in cooperation with independent experts and pursuant to law
March 2019
September 2019
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
Ministry of Justice
The corruption risk assessment methodology was approved by the anti-corruption council on 30 December 2019; therefore, risk assessment could not be conducted in anti-corruption units within the reporting period.
done iconNot implemented

6.3. Enhancing accountability of the ACC Council (ACC shall submit an annual report to Parliament of Georgia)

In progress
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
ACC submits an annual report to Parliament of Georgia
April 2019
December 2019
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
Ministry of Justice
During the reporting period draft amendment of the Decree of the Government of Georgia N309 on approval of composition and the statute of the Interagency Coordination Council was prepared.
done iconPartially implemented

6.4. Strengthening of the Anti-corruption Agency under the State Security Service and the Division of the Criminal Prosecution of Corruption Crimes under the Prosecutor's Office according to the resu

Not started
Partner Organization
Lead Agency
According to the corruption risk assessment results and needs relevant units/divisions have been strenthened
September 2019
December 2019
Partner Organization
Chief Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia
Lead Agency
State Security Service
The corruption risk assessment methodology was approved by the Anti-Corruption Council on 30 December 2019; therefore, risk assessment and needs identification necessary for strengthening relevant units/divisions could not be conducted within the reporting period
done iconNot implemented

6.5. Regular training of the personnel involved in the investigation and prosecution of the corruption-related crimes, including offenses committed by legal persons, and investigation and prosecution

Partner Organization
Lead Agency
Specialization of respective trainees has improved
January 2019
December 2019
Partner Organization
Chief Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia
Lead Agency
State Security Service
During the reporting period, 54 staff members of the State Security Service were involved in the educational activities on the investigation and prosecution of corruption-related crimes; corruption prevention; identification, management, assessment, and elimination of corruption risks. As for the training of the POG personnel, 6 educational activities were conducted in 2019 (including 3 study visits), where 36 staff members completed different study courses on combating corruption-related crimes. Furthermore, 2 study activities were conducted and 25 staff members were trained on corruption offenses committed by legal persons and investigation and prosecution of international corruption offenses. Thirty-eight interns also underwent study courses on the same topics. Moreover, under the EU project on "Support to the Public Administration Reform in Georgia," a training "Integrity in Public Service" was organized. The participants got acquainted with the best international practices of risk assessment.
done iconFully implemented
Last updated: 31 December, 2020

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